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Story Search Results for John Loudon

5/16/2003 - Budget cutters and social conservatives get their day:
"The budget cutters might be having their day this year, but the social conservatives have an equal passion for their issues too," said Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County. "The abortion and gun law changes are litmus tests. We don't pass good laws like this every year."
4/9/2003 - Dougherty says children in religious reformatories are not protected:
But Republican Senator John Loudon says that arguement doesn't hold up:
4/28/2003 - House Committee passes bill that would give Ford tax breaks to stay in Hazelwood:
The bill's sponsor, Republican Senator John Loudon, says Ford is expected to close if the state fails to offer a proposal:
4/25/2003 - State business climate may improve at a cost to injured workers:
Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County, is handling the Senate version of the bill to restrict workers' compensation. He said the bill is intended to tighten the laws on workers' compensation so that only true job-related injuries are paid for by workers' compensation.
4/21/2003 - Bills would lower jury age to 18:
Sen. John Loudon says, based on his own experiences, 18- to 21-year-olds may not have enough maturity to serve on juries.
4/16/2003 - Bill would lower jury age to 18 :
Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County, said he is "skeptical but open minded" on the subject.
4/16/2003 - Legislature weighs merits of mandated health benefits:
The bill's sponsor, John Loudon, R-St. Louis County, said that for every one dollar insurance premiums rise, approximately 100,000 people are dropped from their health care plans because they are too expensive. He said that consumers should be able to have the option of choosing which plan is right for them.
4/08/2003 - Toll road debate continues despite lackluster attention in the legislature:
Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County, is sponsoring a constiutional ammendment to allow toll roads to be used for new construction only. The ammendment is subject to voter approval.
3/6/2003 - Missouri minors may not be able to avoid parental consent for abortions:
Senator John Loudon sponsored the bill in response to ads in Illinois phone books that advocate violating Missouri's parental consent law. He says almost 400 minors leave Missouri every year to avoid disappointing their parents.
3/20/2003 - Republican fiscal and social factions get attention:
"The budget cutters are having their day this year, but the social conservatives have an equal passion for their issues too," said. Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County.
3/05/2003 - Democrats filibuster over expansion of parental consent law:
Jacob suggested that if the bill's sponsor, Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County, doesn't like Illinois' current laws about abortion, he should move to Illinois and run for office there.
2/12/2003 - Close criminal records:
"Let's give them a chance to wipe the slate clean and move forward," said the bill's sponsor -- Sen. John Loudon, R-St. Louis County.

12 stories found